Thursday 9 January 2020

Your assignment is to think through and record the steps that Stephen McNally went through to create his image "The Tourist" (above).

1) He tool tons of pictures of the same seen from diffrent angles and filters and focus levels
2) he took the pictures and pasted them all onto a page
3) he worked in layers starting with the back ground and worked his way to the foreground
4) he cropped the pictures to get individual images
5) he aligned the images to recreate the scene
1. Quality of work

· your actual images (contrast, focus, composition): I have definatly been taking better and more thought out pictures now that i have begun to consider things like 
contrast, focus and composition

· quality of your subject matter: when i take Pictures i try to find objects that are intresting to look at.

· fulfilling the assignment : I have fulfilled all of my assignments

· paying attention to the objective of the assignment (and taking it further) : I need to work on take the assignment further than the objective and not doing the first thing that comes to mind .

· proper format and resolution.: I always use the pr
oper format and resolution

· completing your work on time . : I have never been late on an assignment

· going beyond your first idea(s): I still need to work on thinking outside the box

Thursday 12 December 2019

the last girl

How does this change in viewpoint change your interpretation of the image? at first i thought the man was part of the painting but he is not. 

 What do you see? Describe it as if you were recounting it in detail to someone who had never seen it. Think about the scale--how could the size affect the meaning?  Think about the material, the logistics and engineering of mounting it.  Is it one contiguous image or is it spliced together or can't you tell? i see a little girl who is about nine years old who has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. the picture is very large and that could be part of the message the picture is giving. the picture seems to have been installed in strips.

Think about the location--is it urban? Rural? Residential? Industrial? Given the image's location, who do you think will see the it? Who is the intended audience? Describe the mood of the image. What is the expression on the girl's face? Is it blase? Is it engaged? Is it optimistic? Wondering? Melancholy?  the location is industrial . there are very large buildings in the area and its right on the water so the people who see it will be people in boats. the mood seems to be a serious one because the girl looks like she is staring at the viewer and she is not happy about somethig.

Finally, consider the title "The Last Girl". What do you think the title suggests? perhaps something happened and she is the only one who survived 

Tuesday 10 December 2019


there is a large face of a woman and a small man is climbing her face on a strand of her hair
( hanging by a thread)